Life insurance ad campaign
How might we engage people in topics that are not exciting, flashy, or beautiful (but still important)? In this ad campaign for a life insurance provider, we used intentional separation from product to create interest in low-intent customers on social media. The goal was to help potential customers get clear on what life insurance was right for them using humor, motion, and simplicity.
We began with brainstorming metaphors and jobs that seemed absurdly difficult or momentous. We diverged and then narrowed it down to the ones that resonated with our user tests.
Client: Ramsey Solutions
Discipline: Marketing Strategy, Animation, Illustration

Rapid prototyping + imagination
After that, we created the base illustrations. I realized after I created the first one—the mad scientist—that I could flip the white bubbly shape upside-down and create convincing spaceship exhaust. The rest was a natural progression after that. What is a common depiction of a wizard? A man with a big fluffy beard. Bingo. We were able to ship these quickly because we recycled shapes and and animation that I already did.