Prayer Flip Book
Opt In had a vision of a small, easy-to-use, and intuitive flip book that acted as an daily devotional practice.
After an initial meeting with the client, I had a better sense of what style and form would best meet the client’s goals. My aim was fresh and contemporary. Opt In did not want something that felt "kitschy" or "cheesy."
Inclusiveness in representation was central while designing. During the character development phase of the flip book, I spent time empathetically researching, and included different variations of the poses, so that all folks could participate.
In the end, we developed a beautiful and straightforward flip book that helps people slow down and reflect. It fits easily in a jacket pocket or tote bag and has a silky smoothness that leads to a enjoyable tactile experience.
Hannah Slota assisted with Illustration and pose development.
Color palette:
Illustration style devlopment:

Color studies: